Is it fair for a transgender MMA fighter to fight in women's division?
Posted  Oct 06, 2014
4 votes4.2%No
79 votes82.3%it's a grey area
4 votes4.2%Experts should analyze this in details
8 votes8.3%No opinion
1 votes1%Number of votes :  96Image credit
This hack story is really getting old. There are a few gay rights activists that happen to be mma fans that are reposting this trash as often as they can just so they can cry prejudice, all while displaying thier distain and prejuduce against anybody who has a different view. Im sorry that some of you weak minded individuals cant accept the fact that hes a man but he is in fact a man.. Seriously get over yourselves. Self mutilation and drugs wont change your gender. Your attention whoring antics are transparent and they make you look like a childish fool, especially when you try to project your prejudice and hatred onto others. Once again, get over yourselves. Seriously.
If men cannot face women, then someone who used to be a man cannot have a bout with a woman. The same goes if someone who used to be a woman would want to fight in the men's division.
Hes a man he should stop being a woman beating coward and actually fight another man but he clearly doesnt have the balls for that (no pun intended)